Open Source and the Future of Digital Signage: Importance and Potential

Open source has transformed many industries, introducing elements of community-driven development, innovation, and creativity into several business segments. One industry where the impact of open source is becoming increasingly apparent is digital signage. This article will explore why open source is crucial to the future of digital signage and how it can shape the industry's trajectory.

Notebook with open source

What does Open-Source Software Mean?

Open-source software is a type of software whose source code is released under a license that allows anyone to view, modify, and distribute the software. This contrasts with proprietary software, where the source code is kept hidden, and only the original developers can legally modify it.

Here is a Breakdown of What This Means

  • Source code: This is the version of software as it was originally written, typically in a programming language. It's the raw code that a programmer writes.
  • Open: In this context, open refers to the fact that this source code is available to the public. Anyone can look at it, learn from it, or use it as a base for creating something new.
  • Modify: One of the most significant benefits of open-source software is that users are allowed, and indeed, encouraged, to alter the software to fit their needs. This can involve fixing bugs, improving functions, or adapting the software to suit different purposes.
  • Distribute: Not only can users modify open-source software, but they can also share these modified versions with others. This means that improvements made by one person or organization can benefit the entire community of users.

The philosophy behind open-source software is one of collaboration and sharing. The idea is that by allowing anyone to modify and distribute the software, it can benefit from the collective wisdom and experience of its users, resulting in a better product for everyone.

Defining Open-Source in Digital Signage

In the context of digital signage, open-source means that the software used to manage and display content is freely available for customization and improvement. This could include content management systems, display software, analytics tools, and more.

Why is Open-Source Digital Signage Software so Innovating?

The beauty of digital signage open-source solutions lies in their flexibility and adaptability. When developers worldwide can access, modify, and improve upon a piece of software, the speed, and breadth of innovation can far outpace that of a single team working behind closed doors. This open model encourages a continuous stream of fresh ideas, making open-source software more adaptable and resilient in the face of changing trends and technologies.

Digital signage, like many tech-driven industries, is in a constant state of evolution. With technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Internet of Things (IoT) changing the way we think about digital displays, it's crucial to have software that can keep up. Open-source digital signage software allows for rapid integration of these cutting-edge technologies, providing businesses with a flexible and future-proof solution.


Digital signage open-source solutions are also highly cost-effective. Since they are generally free to use, businesses can save on licensing fees and focus their resources on other areas like content creation and high-quality hardware.

Even though open-source software is free, it doesn't mean it's inferior. On the contrary, open-source projects often have large, dedicated communities of developers working to improve the software and fix bugs. This leads to high-quality software that rivals or surpasses proprietary alternatives.

Customizability and Control

Every organization has unique needs when it comes to digital signage. What works for a retail store might not work for a university campus or a healthcare facility. Open-source software is infinitely customizable, allowing organizations to tailor their digital signage software to their specific needs.

Having access to the source code also means that organizations have more control over their software. They're not at the mercy of a software vendor's update schedule or feature roadmap. If a feature is missing or not working as desired, they have the power to change it themselves.

Interoperability and Scalability

Open-source software is typically built on widely accepted standards, which makes it easier to integrate with other systems. Whether it's your content management system, customer database, or social media feeds, open-source solutions can typically communicate with these systems more seamlessly. Especially when they are built on Standards like SMIL.

Free software often provides better scalability than its proprietary counterparts. As your business grows, you can easily extend your digital signage network without the need for substantial additional investment or complex licensing arrangements.

The Community

When you adopt an open-source solution, you're not just choosing a product—you're joining a community. This community, typically comprising developers and users worldwide, collaborates to improve the software, fix bugs, and introduce new features. This collective effort regularly results in a more innovative and robust solution than proprietary software, which is developed and maintained by a single company.


These communities can be valuable resources for getting help, learning best practices, and even contributing to the project. Although the level of support can vary from project to project, many have forums, tutorials, and other resources to help users.


Plugins or extensions are often developed by community members to enhance functionality or ensure compatibility with a specific platform.

Open Source Digital Signage Monitor

Transparency and Security

Open-source software is considered more secure and reliable than its proprietary counterparts. This may seem counterintuitive, as anyone can view the source code, but it is this transparency that makes it more secure. With many eyes reviewing the code, vulnerabilities and bugs are spotted and fixed quickly. This transparency also builds trust, as users can see exactly what the software is doing, without any hidden features or backdoors.

Freedom from Vendor Lock-In

With proprietary software, there is a risk of becoming dependent on the vendor's products, support, and ecosystem—often referred to as vendor lock-in. Open-source software, on the other hand, offers more freedom and flexibility, as you can modify the software to your needs and aren't solely reliant on a single vendor for updates and improvements.


By allowing businesses to extend the life of their hardware through custom updates, open-source software can be a more environmentally friendly option. Instead of regularly replacing entire systems due to software updates, you can update and adapt the open-source software to your current hardware setup.

Multi-Platform Capability

Open-source digital signage solutions have gained popularity due to their flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and adaptability across multiple platforms. By utilizing these solutions, businesses, and organizations can display multimedia content on screens for advertising, information dissemination, or entertainment. These solutions can be deployed on various platforms, including Windows, Linux, macOS, and mobile devices. But let's see how this can be achieved.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Many open-source digital signage tools are developed using inherently cross-platform languages and frameworks. For instance, tools built using web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) or frameworks like Electron, Qt, or Java can run on multiple operating systems with little modification.

Web-Based Solutions

Many digital signage solutions are web-based, meaning they run inside a web browser. As browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari are available on most operating systems, this ensures compatibility across platforms. The content can be hosted on a remote server, and any device with a web browser can access and display it. This makes it easy to deploy on a wide range of devices, from desktop computers to smartphones.

Custom Builds for Different Platforms

Some open-source projects offer different builds or versions for different operating systems. This allows for optimizations specific to each platform, ensuring the best performance and compatibility.

Virtualization and Containers

Solutions like Docker can encapsulate the digital signage software in a container, which can then run on any platform that supports Docker. This provides consistent behavior across different platforms.

Mobile Integration

With the increasing power of mobile devices, many open-source digital signage solutions now offer mobile apps or are optimized for mobile browsers. QR codes or NFC tags can be integrated into digital signage displays. When users scan or tap, they can receive additional content or interactivity on their mobile devices.

Remote Management

Cross-platform compatibility is also essential for management interfaces. Admins or users might want to update content or manage displays from various devices. Open-source solutions often come with web-based dashboards or interfaces, allowing for remote management from any device with a browser.

Adherence to Standards

Open standards like SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language) can be adopted by open-source digital signage solutions to ensure cross-platform content compatibility.

Integration with Existing Systems

Due to their open nature, these solutions can be integrated with existing systems, be it content management systems (CMS), customer relationship management (CRM) software, or databases, irrespective of the platform they are running on.


Adopting digital signage open-source software is a strategic move towards innovation, adaptability, and cost-effectiveness. It offers an exciting opportunity for businesses to take control of their digital signage solutions and customize them to their specific needs. More than a choice of software, it's a decision to be part of a collaborative community that's shaping the future of digital signage.

Open source is not just a trend—it's a revolution in the digital signage industry. By embracing it, businesses are better equipped to navigate the rapidly changing landscape of digital signage and deliver outstanding customer experiences.